In My Father’s Shoes
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, August 29th 2016 Share the goods! The goal of discipleship is to have someone step in our shoes and pave new territories. This is the beauty of daddy’s little boy clomping down the stairs with a pair of his father’s shoes; that picture is a nostalgic one. What men do not realize is that someday their son will fill shoes in the way life was modeled for them. This is deep because at best, a father will have 15 years to model the behavior for his sons, and the first eight years are the most important. This is why it is so important to realize that children model what they see, and they will model what is displayed at home. Children model what they see, and they model what is displayed at home. Click To Tweet This is profound because there isn’t a curriculum to teach children how to treat people with dignity and affection. In other words, you cannot diagram dignity and affection. You cannot diagram respect, forgiveness, or servanthood. This is not found in any encyclopedia that I know of, but it must be put in motion. It is so important what a father models, so if he makes statements like, “Those dumb police are always trying to stop speeders with their radar! Why don’t they take the time to try to catch people who are breaking into homes?!” Or statements like, “All of Washington is full of hypocrites and idiots and the man in the Whitehouse is the biggest one of all.” They start planting seeds of anti-government...
It’s in the Blood
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, August 22nd 2016 Share the goods! There is power in a bloodline. People suffer from low self-esteem because they do not know the power of the bloodline that they come from. The study of horses reveals some interesting things… A thoroughbred horse is bred from the purest and best blood. They are referred to as “Blood Horses.” Approximately 300 years has been invested in the development of their bloodline, also referred to as the horse’s stock. The people responsible for protecting the bloodline are known as “Blood Stock Agents.” When a “Blood Stock Agent” is looking to purchase a colt, a baby horse, he is not concerned with its physical characteristics; he only wants to know one thing: what is its bloodline. The colt’s worth and purchasing price are not dependent on its achievements but on the victories that have been won in its bloodline. The Blood Stock Agent knows that in spite of how feeble the weak-kneed colt looks as it stumbles around while trying to stand up for the first time, it is going to stand in the winner’s circle one day because it has the blood of champions. A complete analysis is done of the mare and the stallion before breeding. First, the horse’s physical attributes are studied: stride, leg length, foot strike, angles of the ankles, and size of the lungs. Then the attributes of the bloodline are taken into consideration: who are the ancestors, what did they go through, what are their accomplishments, and what are their measurements. Every ancestor on both sides is researched and...
No Fire No Lift
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, August 1st 2016 Share the goods! We have all watched a space shuttle lift off from planet Earth, making its way into outer space, into the heavens. What is deep about this is that the space shuttle sits on a launch pad ready to move into a whole other realm. However, the space shuttle is going nowhere until a fire has been ignited. A blazing fire that allows it to overcome the gravitational pull of the earth and delivers it to the glory of the heavens. If there is no fire, there is no lift-off. No fire means no destiny. What is keeping us from getting off the ground and getting to the mission? Click To Tweet Now, back to the launch pad. The countdown begins and by the time they hit zero and the boosters are ignited, it is ready for take-off into outer space. For most Christians, they have been Earthbound too long. No matter how many times we have decided to “lift off” into our respective missions, we do not seem to be able to get off the ground. What is keeping us from getting off the ground and getting to the mission? The countdown has begun – clearly apparent because we are all getting older by the day. That shuttle is going absolutely nowhere until a fire has been ignited. No fire, no lift off. No fire, no destiny. The countdown is approaching zero. MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity...
Crickets in the City
Whose voice are you listening to? 1 Corinthians 14:10 KJV reads, “There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification.” There are many voices in the world, says the apostle Paul, but never have there been so many as are heard today.

The Fortune of Mr. Yates
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, November 2nd 2015 Share the goods! During the Great Depression, there was a man named Mr. Yates who owned a farm and was doing everything he could not to lose it. But his best efforts appeared not to be good enough. The mortgage company eventually let Mr. Yates know that his farm would soon be foreclosed. Discouragement set in and Mr. Yates and his family were resigned to losing what they had so diligently desired to keep. One day, a man from an oil company knocked on Mr. Yates’ door, and asked for permission to drill on his land. Mr. Yates said, “Go ahead, I am going to lose the property anyway.” Almost instantly, the oil company hit a gusher, and oil started to pour forth. In fact, 82,000 barrels a day started to pour forth, making Mr. Yates an instant millionaire. Don't succumb to giving up: throw in the towel and experience spiritual foreclosure! Click To Tweet Here’s the question: When did Mr. Yates become a millionaire? Did he become a millionaire when the oil company discovered oil on his property? Or did he become a millionaire the day he purchased the property? There was a gap between the time that Mr. Yates bought the property and the discovery of the oil. Similarly there are Christians who entered into a relationship with Christ years ago, but aren’t experiencing or walking in their full inheritance. They don’t know that they’re spiritual millionaires! Many Christians are willing to just give up and throw in the towel and experience spiritual foreclosure. If you...
Planted vs Buried
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, October 12th 2015 Share the goods! It’s critical that we know the difference between being planted, and being buried. In John 12:24 (NKJV), Jesus says, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.” God wants you to know that you’ve been planted, but satan wants you to think that you’ve been buried. So it’s critical that we know the difference between planting and burial. On the surface, planting and burying look the same; both involve digging into the ground, but here’s the key difference: planting has a future; burial does not. You bury the dead when life is over, but when you plant a seed, you bury it in the ground so that after a period of transformation it comes back up greater than it was when it went down. When you plant a seed, you aren’t burying it to get rid of it, but rather you are planting the seed so that new life may grow. But satan wants you to feel that you’re buried. Buried in guilt. Buried in shame. Buried in regret. And he wants you to remain in buried, stuck in the dark. Just because you may be in a dark place now, it doesn’t mean that that’s your final destination. Click To Tweet Our loving Father God wants you to live with the constant awareness that you have been planted. You didn’t grow randomly. You didn’t just arrive on the scene. You were planted! The sperm...
Follow The Leader
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, September 11th 2017 Share the goods! Do you remember when you were a little kid and you used to play a game called “Follow the Leader”? Remember what that was like; you would pick one child and make them the leader and whatever the leader did you would have to do. So if the leader stood up on one leg, you would have to stand up on one leg. If the leader would hop on their right leg, then you had to hop on the right leg or you were out. If the leader would hop on the left leg you had to hop on the left leg or you were out. If the leader climbed a tree, you had to climb the tree or you were out. Now here is the key question: how did you know what the leader was doing so that you could imitate him? Simple. You had to stay in their presence. If you refused to stay in their presence, then you would not know what to do. If you looked away for a second, then you would not know what the leader is doing. If we are going to be a true disciple, we are going to have to count the cost of following Christ. If we are going to be a true disciple, we are going to have to count the cost of following Christ. Click To Tweet MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage...
Northern Pike
As an experiment, a marine biologist captured a Great Northern Pike fish and put it in an aquarium and created an environment similar to the one that the pike lived in in the Canadian lakes.

Halfway House
One of the great mountains in the alps is very popular with climbers because it has a rest house halfway up. Still and yet, the trek up to this house is not for amateurs, it’s a long climb up to that point.

Access Point
A woman who lived by herself went home one day and discovered that she’d been burglarized. As you can imagine, the woman was very upset and went out and purchased an alarm system and had it installed; she also replaced her stolen items.

No Hands But Your Hands
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, April 3rd 2017 Share the goods! Back during WW2, there was a statue that had been bombed in Germany. Locals were trying to repair the statue and prepare it so that it could be on display. And as they began to repair the statue they could not find the hands that went on it. This statue was a picture of Jesus with his arms outstretched and down below the statue were these words. “Come unto me” They looked everywhere for the hands but they could not find them to finish the sculpture. They did not know what to do since it was a very prominent statue. So someone got an idea and this is what they did; they left the arms off the statue and they changed the sign underneath it “He has no hands but your hands” What a powerful picture! The only Jesus that people will see is the one who lives in His body of believers; the Church! The Church is called to be Jesus' hands on earth. Click To Tweet MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect restoration righteousness sex sin success temptation trials women Help us continue helping others! DONATE TODAY Share the goods! Monday, April 3rd 2017 RELATED VERSES John 14:12 (NKJV) Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than...
Stake in The Ground
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, March 27th 2017 Share the goods! As a child, many of us have been to the Ringling Brothers circus at Madison Square Garden or the Nassau Colosseum. If you look at the elephants, you will see that while huge, they are tied to a little tiny stake that has been hammered into the ground. Did you know that if they wanted to, they could rip the stick out and free themselves to roam? But they will never do it. Because when they were a baby, they were “lied” to. The trainer led them to believe that as long as there was a stake in the ground with a chain, they were helpless, hopeless, and bound. They drummed this into the elephant’s orientation so regularly – hitting the little elephants’ leg when they tried to move it!!! Those elephants will die never having known that they had the power to move the stake. The people who know their God will do great exploits. Click To Tweet Catch this!!! This is satans’ agenda; many Christians will die never having known what they could have been if they knew the power of the revelation of their righteousness in Christ. The little stake that is holding you down can be ripped up when you use your God-given power. You have the authority to rip up the influence of the person that is holding you back. Same for the circumstance that is controlling you!!! Daniel 11:32 tells us that the people who know their God will do great exploits! When was the last time you did...
Let Go and Fly
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, January 2nd 2017 Share the goods! There was a family of birds that was teaching their young to fly. The young swallows were perched on a dead branch over a lake. One of the adult swallows got alongside the chicks and started pushing them to the end of the branch. They pushed until finally one of the birds fell off. Somewhere between the branch and the water that was 4 feet below, the wings started to work, and the bird took off on its own. The second one did the same exact thing, but the third one was not to be bullied. As it started to fall off it grabbed the branch with its foot. But the parent was not sentimental; it peaked at the poor chick’s foot until it was more painful to fall than it was to hang on than deal with the insecurities of flying. The grip was released and the inexperienced wings started to pump. The mature swallow knew what the little chick did not and that is it would fly, and there was no danger in making it do what it was designed to do. Birds have feet, but flying is their characteristic action. What were you designed to do? Click To Tweet They are not fulfilled until they are flying, doing what they were born to do gracefully and with action. Here is a question: what were you designed to do? What are you trying to hang onto that is preventing you from living to your potential? Like the little swallow, what are you hanging...
The Teacher’s Mind
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, May 23rd 2016 Share the goods! Have you ever noticed that when a student is taking a test the teacher is not talking? You know why? Because, if the teacher has allowed the student to take the test, he believes the student has everything needed to pass the test. If you are taking the test and you aren’t hearing from God, it could mean that in His eyes, he has given you everything you need already to pass the test. God will not allow you to take the test unless he feels he has prepared you for it. Everything you need you have in Christ Jesus. Click To Tweet In the state of Florida the school systems are awarded money by something called FACT. FACT is where the teachers prepare the students all year long to take the exams. The school system is awarded money based on how the kids perform on the test. The teachers prepare the students all year long. Passing the exam is not an indication of the student, but an indicator of the teacher. If you are taking the test and God is not talking that means He knows that you are ready. The test is not about you, but it is about how well the teacher has prepared you. Everything you need you have in Christ Jesus. MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect restoration righteousness sex...
Seek Knock Find
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, April 4th 2016 Share the goods! Have you ever lost your car keys? After you look in three or four places, do you just say, “I guess those keys are lost forever?” No. You keep looking all over until you find them, and you will tear up the house because you need those car keys and cannot function without them. So you keep looking and wreck your house looking for the keys. Catch this!!! The more frustrated you get, the more you throw things around. When you are in hot pursuit of something you don’t take the time to put things back into order, you don’t stack your clothes or dishes neatly just then. You just go crazy until you find whatever it is you’re looking for. You seek until you find. Keep asking, seeking and knocking. Click To Tweet Did you ever forget your key, or lock yourself out of your house when you were a kid? You knew someone was home, but maybe they were asleep and couldn’t hear you. But you didn’t just stand there and wait patiently for someone to let you in. You didn’t just knock one time, you kept knocking, or yelling, “Anybody home?! I’m locked out!” or ringing the bell until you got in. You did everything you needed to do because you knew someone was inside. This is what the Bible means in Matthew 7:7 when it instructs you to keep asking, seeking and knocking: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be...
Call Me Joseph
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, March 21st 2016 Share the goods! There was a couple that had five miscarriages in nine years, and as you can imagine, they were devastated. The husband’s name was Joe, and he and his wife were grossly discouraged. One day as he was having a Bible study, he stumbled upon the Bible character named Joseph in Genesis. The name Joseph means “God will add”. All of a sudden Joe started telling all his friends to stop calling him “Joe” and to start calling him “Joseph”. Every time he heard his full name, it was a reminder that God will add. And do you know, it was not long before his wife became pregnant and after ten years they have a child, and the child is doing well. This is an excellent testimony to the power of words in our lives. (Joel Osteen shared this story on February 5, 2005) Life and death are in the power of the tongue ~ Proverbs 18.21 Click To Tweet MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect restoration righteousness sex sin success temptation trials women Help us continue helping others! DONATE TODAY Share the goods! Monday, March 21st 2016 RELATED VERSES Genesis 39:2-3 (NKJV) The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. And his master saw that the Lord was with him and...
Blast Off
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, March 7th 2016 Share the goods! We have all watched a space shuttle lift off from planet earth and soar into outer space and into the heavens. What’s deep is that space shuttle sits on a launch pad and is ready to move into another realm, but it can’t go anywhere until the fire at its base has been ignited. There’s a countdown and when it hits zero the boosters are ignited and the shuttle takes off into space. A blazing fire takes it from the gravitational pull of the earth and delivers it to the glory of the heavens. Most Christians have been earthbound too long, and unable to get their missions off the ground. Click To Tweet But if there’s no fire; there’s no ignition, and no destiny. Most Christians have been earthbound too long, and unable to get their missions off the ground. In the meantime a countdown is in effect because we’re growing older day by day. But when we are set on fire by the Holy Spirit, when He ignites us on the inside, we will have blast off and we will soar! MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect restoration righteousness sex sin success temptation trials women Help us continue helping others! DONATE TODAY Share the goods! Monday, March 7th 2016 RELATED VERSES Luke 3:16 (NKJV) John answered, saying to all, “I indeed baptize you with...
The War is Over
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, February 22nd 2016 Share the goods! Years ago a report was released about some Americans who went to a remote area in the Pacific islands, and discovered people still fighting fifteen to twenty years after World War II had ended. The people on the island had not heard the news that bombs had been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and that a peace treaty had been signed, and the war was over. When the Americans arrived and told them that the war was over, the islanders initially didn’t believe them and thought the Americans were trying to kill them. Are you fighting a war that has been over since Christ died for your sins? Click To Tweet Later they discovered how ignorant they’d been—fighting for two decades after the war was over. This is what the sinner discovers after he gets born again. He realizes that he’s been fighting a war that has been over since Christ died for his sins. And when the sinner finally has a revelation of this, he says to himself, “Peace has been won, and I no longer have to go around fighting for myself living with all of this tension on the inside of me! The war is over and I am free!” MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect restoration righteousness sex sin success temptation trials women Help us continue helping others! DONATE TODAY Share...