Let Me See What’s Inside
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, October 10th 2016 Share the goods! Suppose you go to the refrigerator, and you are looking for something to eat late at night, let’s say after a picnic or barbecue. You are really hungry, but when you go to the kitchen and open the refrigerator, you see all the barbecued food wrapped in aluminum foil. You might become discouraged because you may or may not feel like opening all of the foil. But let’s say the food is wrapped in saran wrap and you can see the contents. Well, it is much easier to make a decision now because you can see what is inside the saran wrap. There are a lot of men who have their hearts wrapped up in aluminum foil and their wives do not know what is inside. What your wife wants from you is your heart wrapped in saran wrapping so that she can know the contents. Transparency is key in relationships. Click To Tweet MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect restoration righteousness sex sin success temptation trials women Help us continue helping others! DONATE TODAY Share the goods! Monday, October 10th 2016 RELATED VERSES 1 Samuel 16:7 (NKJV) But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward...
Sculpture’s Mindset
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, September 12th 2016 Share the goods! There is a legend of a medieval sidewalk superintendent who asked three stone masons on a construction project what they were doing. The first said he was laying bricks. The second described his work as that of building a wall. But it was a third laborer who demonstrated genuine esteem for his work when he said, “I am raising a great cathedral.” Raising children is a God-given responsibility. Click To Tweet Pose those same questions to two fathers concerning their role in the family, and you are liable to get the same contrast. The first man may say, “I am supporting a family,” but the second may see things differently and say, “I am raising children.” The former looks at his job as putting food on the table, but the latter sees people from God’s perspective in that he is shaping lives. To shape lives, suggests that the sculptor is at work cutting and chipping, chiseling out of raw material a beautiful object of art. MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect restoration righteousness sex sin success temptation trials women Help us continue helping others! DONATE TODAY Share the goods! Monday, September 12th 2016 RELATED VERSES Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV) Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Matthew 3:17 (NKJV) And suddenly a...
The Father’s Heart
Every day a little girl would ask her father to bring her some ice cream on his way home from work. One day, the father had a horrible and hectic time at work, confronting one problem after another.

The Obedient Runner
The person who really loves God seeks no other reward than to love God for who He is. Here’s an example: There are three men who go running faithfully every day. When asked why they run consistently every day they each had a different response.

Frazier’s Support
Joe Frazier’s son Marvis decided that he wanted to keep championship boxing in the Frazier family line. So he started boxing in the heavyweight division, and finally got his shot against Larry Holmes.

Running The Race
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, June 27th 2016 Share the goods! In August 1992 at the Barcelona Summer Olympics, Derrick Redmond from Great Britain was favored to win the 400 meter race. But as he powered around the backstretch, his hamstring snapped. Derrick tried desperately to finish the race, but he still had half the distance to go. Because he couldn’t walk, he began to hop. One step — a grimace. Two steps — a yell. Jim Redmond, Derrick’s dad, had to get to his struggling son. He doesn’t remember all the steps down from section 131, row 22, seat 25 of the Olympic stadium. He doesn’t really remember leaping over the railing or pushing off security guards who were too stunned to stop him. He was not just a spectator at the Olympics anymore; Jim Redmond was a father, and he had to get to his son. “Dad,” Derrick said, “Dad …Get me back to lane five. I want to finish.” God wants to help us finish our race. Click To Tweet And leaning on each other, father and son made their way around the track as the crowd rose to their feet cheering, and the whole world watched. Olympic organizers can light the skies with fireworks, they can invite kings and queens, but this was the magic of real life. That day people saw an example of great courage, but they witnessed an even greater story about love. Derrick’s father was wearing a Nike hat that said “Just do it.” As we run the race God’s called us to run and we stumble, limp...
The Mannequin in the Window
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, June 20th 2016 Share the goods! God wants to dress you up and give you a new nature so you can attract people to Him and make Him look good! Your job is to make God look good! Why is a mannequin in a store window? To be an attraction; to make the store look great and enticing, and lure the customer into the store. The mannequin sets the tone of the store through the clothes that it wears so that people will come in and spend money in the store. Catch this, the clothes on the dummy did not come from the dummy, the clothes on the dummy came from the owner of the store, and the owner of the store put clothes on the dummy so that folks on the outside will be drawn into the store. Similarly, our job is to make God look good whether things are going well, or they’re not. God wants to dress us up so that we will attract people into the store called the kingdom of God!! Our job is to make God look good! Click To Tweet MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect restoration righteousness sex sin success temptation trials women Help us continue helping others! DONATE TODAY Share the goods! Monday, June 20th 2016 RELATED VERSES Romans 8:19 (NKJV) For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the...
Polished Gemstone
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, February 29th 2016 Share the goods! An unpolished gemstone looks no different from an ordinary piece of gravel. To polish it, you need three things: a rock tumbler, some abrasive grit, and at least one other stone. A rock tumbler is little more than a jar lying on its side atop a series of rollers. Inside the jar, you place some abrasive grit, the unpolished gemstone and at least one other stone . When the tumbler begins to roll, the rocks will slowly rise up the wall of the jar and then drop, crashing into one another over and over again. Each time they collide, the grit removes a tiny bit of the surface material on top of the gemstone. Each time they collide the stones become smoother and smoother but it’s a very slow process. What happens if you forget the abrasive grit? The stones will still collide, but without an abrasive grit, there is nothing to smooth the stones. They’ll continue to crash into each other and perhaps even chip or damage each other. However, the finished product will look no smoother than it did when you began. It’s not exactly pleasant to be the other rock in somebody else’s tumbler... Click To Tweet Think about it. Stone is struck thousands of time, but still isn’t polish. And you know what happens if you forget another stone? Absolutely nothing. The lone rock will tumble, but with nothing to strike against, it simply rises and falls. There will still be some abrasion as the stone bounces against the side of...
Fine Dining
Suppose you haven’t eaten all day, you’re super hungry. You select the best restaurant in town and then ask the waiter for the finest steak on the menu.

Daily Water
There are several ways to kill a plant. You can stab it, poke it, and tear it. Or, you can simply leave it alone, and without attention the planet will die. A plant requires care and attention for it to survive and thrive.

The Game is Half Over
Roy Riegels was a football player at the University of California who played a close game against Georgia Tech in the 1929 Rose Bowl. Playing defense, Roy Riegels tried to tackle a Georgia Tech player and was shoved against another player and got turned around and he started running down the sideline, probably thinking, “This is great!