We Need to In Trust God
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, August 21st 2017 Share the goods! A young mother decided to take her son, who was just learning to play the piano, to a concert at Carnegie Hall by one of the greatest pianists of all time—Paderewski. During the intermission, she suddenly realized her son was gone. He had like he had done so many times in the past, become bored and went off to explore. She became frantic and as the house lights begin to dim for the second half of the performance, she hears the familiar notes of “chopsticks” being played on the grand piano on stage. She looks up and there is her son at the magnificent Steinway grand piano. The crowd is aghast. She is mortified. But suddenly the great Paderewski appears and sits down beside the young boy and tells him to keep playing his simple song. With his right hand he reaches around the young boy and adds the high notes and with his left, he adds the low notes and together they play a beautiful song that transforms the entire hall!!! We are all like that small boy surrounded by the arms of God. We need to lean back and trust in God’s power and glory and create a ministry that will transform the world where we have been planted. What is your excuse? We need to lean back and trust in God’s power and glory and create a ministry that will transform the world where we have been planted. Click To Tweet MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions...Flying Without A Pilot
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, May 29th 2017 Share the goods! A pilot in Texas left the motor on and somehow his plane engaged itself. It was without a pilot. The plane took off and it was flying on its own, it kept on flying for 90 minutes. Then it ran out of gas and crashed. It was totally destroyed!!! You can fly on your own for a while. You can take off and be somebody for a while. You can act like you are going higher and higher for a while. You can play a little religion but not be serious about submitting yourself to the Holy Spirit. And for a while, it looks like people who don’t follow Christ are flying high for a while. You wonder to yourself how come it appears like they are soaring without any interruption? It may even make you jealous when you look at people who have no respect for the things of God going higher and higher. The Holy Spirit has one word for you and that word is “Keep watching because sooner or later they are going to run out of gas and when you run out of gas without Me behind the seat of your life, it will crash and be totally disintegrated.” This is why the Bible says, “Don’t be envious of the evil doers.” Just because they are making money or it looks like they are soaring for this season does not mean they will be there for long. Don't buy things you can't afford with money you don't have to impress people...Oxford Crew
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, May 15th 2017 Share the goods! In the Oxford crew, you will see these men who are sweating and straining and their movements are incredibly synchronized as they pull the long oars through the water. What is interesting is that these men have their backs to the finish line. How do they pace themselves and how do they know when to sprint? The answer is simple they focus on the coxswain. He is the guy with a megaphone sitting at the end of the boat facing the crew. He is the only one who knows where the finish line is. So the men at the oars focus on him, listen to him, obey his commands, and count on him to coach them to the finish line. He will pace them, he will encourage them, and they trust in him implicitly to get them across the finish line in the strongest possible way. They are counting on the coxswain to enable them to finish strong. We must learn to do the same thing with Jesus Christ! We must learn to trust the leading of the Holy Spirit. Click To Tweet MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect restoration righteousness sex sin success temptation trials women Help us continue helping others! DONATE TODAY Share the goods! Monday, May 15th 2017 RELATED VERSES Isaiah 30:21 (NKJV) Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,...Straight & Narrow
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, November 21st 2016 Share the goods! If you have had braces attached to your teeth, you know that after a brief adjustment period you do not even know they are there, yet they are always there applying steady constant pressure. Over a long period of time, they change the location of your teeth. This is how we are equipped to live like Christ. When we commit to living like Christ, we allow him to apply the gentle, steady constant pressure that will change the location of our desires, our motivations, and our ambitions. And at times, like our teeth, it may be a slow process. If you had braces when your teeth finally straightened out, do you remember what the orthodontist warned if you did not wear your retainer every night? He said your teeth would go back to their old location. In much the same way, there is never a time when we do not need to be equipped by Jesus. We need to stay connected to Jesus to allow him to apply the pressure on our lives to keep us on the narrow path. There is never a time when we do not need to be equipped by Jesus. Click To Tweet MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect restoration righteousness sex sin success temptation trials women Help us continue helping others! DONATE TODAY Share the goods! Monday, November 21st...The Distance From Your Calling
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, October 31st 2016 Share the goods! In a renowned museum in Florence, Italy, you will find four renowned sculptures. Originally Michelangelo decided that they would be used on the tomb of Pope Julius, but midway through the project he decided not to use them. Today, anyone traveling to Florence can see the results – a hand protrudes here, a torso protrudes there, a leg, a part of a head, and none of them are finished. If you stand in this great hall you will sense the turmoil, the struggle involved in these great stones. It is as though the figures are crying to break free from the blocks of marble to become what they were intended to be. Michelangelo called these figures “Captives.” Study them for a time and they are certain to stir up within you the view of a deep longing for the stones to be what they could be. They may stir awareness in your own soul and an ache to break free from anything that is holding you down and preventing the realization of your own potential. Are we moving closer to the person God called us to be? Click To Tweet All of us as humans share a universal longing to be complete, to enjoy the fulfillment of realizing our God-given destiny. Like the Michelangelo statues, “Captives,” we are often frozen in our efforts to realize who we were meant to be. We never learn the secrets of chipping away at what holds us back; we never discover the parts of us that are still in...Is The Cake Ready?
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, October 24th 2016 Share the goods! Do you remember when you were little and your mother may have been in the kitchen baking a cake? You would watch her in anticipation. You would watch her add flour, sugar, and vanilla. You would see her blend these ingredients together and your anticipation of how good that cake was going to taste would be so strong. If you were like me, you would keep going in the kitchen and maybe peek in the oven and see the cake start to turn brown on the top. You might then yell to your mother and tell her the cake was ready. But what would she do when she came in the kitchen? She would go in the draw, take out a toothpick, open the oven door, and insert the toothpick into the cake. Just because something looks done on the outside, it does not mean it is done on the inside. Click To Tweet Then what would happen at times? When she pulled the toothpick out of the cake, there would be dough on the toothpick, and she would tell you that the cake needed a little more time. What did you learn? Just because something looks done on the outside, it does not mean it is done on the inside. A lot of times when we look at ourselves we look done on the outside, but on the inside we need more work. MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace...Words & Beats
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, September 26th 2016 Share the goods! There was an amazing scientific study done some time ago that attempted to illustrate the power of words. The scientists put water in different jars and labeled the jars with certain words on the outside labels. One container was labeled love. Another container was labeled hate, and another was labeled patience. What is interesting is that after some time had passed, the scientists checked the molecular structure of the water inside the containers and discovered to their amazement the molecular structure had changed!!! This is so deep because if we as people are made of 90% water, then words must have a significant impact on us as people!!! There is power in the words we speak. Click To Tweet This is very similar to the demonstration done to prove the impact of music on plants. There were three different rooms, one containing plants that played classical music, another with plants and no music, and a third that had plants and heavy metal being played. What was discovered was that the plants with the classical music grew above average. The plants with no music grew at an average rate, and the plants with hip hop/heavy metal music grew but at a rate below average. What the research uncovered was that classical music is played to a cadence that has a pattern or strong weak, strong weak – which is similar to how we breathe as humans. They discovered that heavy metal music had a pattern of weak strong, weak strong. This pattern was discovered to be...In My Father’s Shoes
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, August 29th 2016 Share the goods! The goal of discipleship is to have someone step in our shoes and pave new territories. This is the beauty of daddy’s little boy clomping down the stairs with a pair of his father’s shoes; that picture is a nostalgic one. What men do not realize is that someday their son will fill shoes in the way life was modeled for them. This is deep because at best, a father will have 15 years to model the behavior for his sons, and the first eight years are the most important. This is why it is so important to realize that children model what they see, and they will model what is displayed at home. Children model what they see, and they model what is displayed at home. Click To Tweet This is profound because there isn’t a curriculum to teach children how to treat people with dignity and affection. In other words, you cannot diagram dignity and affection. You cannot diagram respect, forgiveness, or servanthood. This is not found in any encyclopedia that I know of, but it must be put in motion. It is so important what a father models, so if he makes statements like, “Those dumb police are always trying to stop speeders with their radar! Why don’t they take the time to try to catch people who are breaking into homes?!” Or statements like, “All of Washington is full of hypocrites and idiots and the man in the Whitehouse is the biggest one of all.” They start planting seeds of anti-government...It’s in the Blood
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, August 22nd 2016 Share the goods! There is power in a bloodline. People suffer from low self-esteem because they do not know the power of the bloodline that they come from. The study of horses reveals some interesting things… A thoroughbred horse is bred from the purest and best blood. They are referred to as “Blood Horses.” Approximately 300 years has been invested in the development of their bloodline, also referred to as the horse’s stock. The people responsible for protecting the bloodline are known as “Blood Stock Agents.” When a “Blood Stock Agent” is looking to purchase a colt, a baby horse, he is not concerned with its physical characteristics; he only wants to know one thing: what is its bloodline. The colt’s worth and purchasing price are not dependent on its achievements but on the victories that have been won in its bloodline. The Blood Stock Agent knows that in spite of how feeble the weak-kneed colt looks as it stumbles around while trying to stand up for the first time, it is going to stand in the winner’s circle one day because it has the blood of champions. A complete analysis is done of the mare and the stallion before breeding. First, the horse’s physical attributes are studied: stride, leg length, foot strike, angles of the ankles, and size of the lungs. Then the attributes of the bloodline are taken into consideration: who are the ancestors, what did they go through, what are their accomplishments, and what are their measurements. Every ancestor on both sides is researched and...Family Lead
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, August 15th 2016 Share the goods! When you watch auto racing, the race begins with a pace car – a beautiful new automobile especially chosen each year to get out in front of the high-powered racers and lead them around the track for a few laps. The pace car guarantees that every race car driver gets a fair chance; that everyone is in the proper position and moving at a uniform speed when the green starting flag is dropped. At the moment the pack of race cars is properly positioned, the pacer gets out of the way fast. The family needs someone to set the pace and the tempo of life. Click To Tweet Also, if you have ever been to a concert you will see that people pay high prices because of one man in the concert: the conductor. He enters to the applause of the audience. A hundred instruments are poised by a hundred tense musicians. Each is prepared to make a special kind of musical response to his beat; each section will produce melodic lines and rhythmic patterns different from the others. It is the conductor who will weave all the differences together and ensure that the orchestra keeps faith with the composer’s intentions. He will establish standard tempo and standard volume. He will bring out the sole parts ensuring that the orchestra colors (infuses) with the background with just the right musical hues so that the soloist reaches the anticipated excellence. Without the conductor, the fine set musicians and the most expensive instruments produce only inartistic chaos....No Fire No Lift
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, August 1st 2016 Share the goods! We have all watched a space shuttle lift off from planet Earth, making its way into outer space, into the heavens. What is deep about this is that the space shuttle sits on a launch pad ready to move into a whole other realm. However, the space shuttle is going nowhere until a fire has been ignited. A blazing fire that allows it to overcome the gravitational pull of the earth and delivers it to the glory of the heavens. If there is no fire, there is no lift-off. No fire means no destiny. What is keeping us from getting off the ground and getting to the mission? Click To Tweet Now, back to the launch pad. The countdown begins and by the time they hit zero and the boosters are ignited, it is ready for take-off into outer space. For most Christians, they have been Earthbound too long. No matter how many times we have decided to “lift off” into our respective missions, we do not seem to be able to get off the ground. What is keeping us from getting off the ground and getting to the mission? The countdown has begun – clearly apparent because we are all getting older by the day. That shuttle is going absolutely nowhere until a fire has been ignited. No fire, no lift off. No fire, no destiny. The countdown is approaching zero. MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity...Don’t Void The Warranty
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, January 25th 2016 Share the goods! Many products we purchase today come with a warranty. In some cases, we can buy an extended warranty which guarantees that the manufacturer will stand behind the product it if fails, but there are limitations. A manufacturer will cover a product if there’s a flaw in the manufacturing process, but not if you abuse the product. If you use your Dell computer in the shower and it stops working, you obviously cannot take it back to Dell. God has a warranty for your life as long as you are using it for His purpose. Click To Tweet When a manufacturer honors a warranty the assumption is that you’re using the product for its intended purpose, and it’s the same way with God. God has a warranty for your life as long as you are using it for His purpose. If your life is off purpose and out of whack and it seems like God is not answering your prayers, the question you have to ask is, “Am I using my life for His purpose?” MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect restoration righteousness sex sin success temptation trials women Help us continue helping others! DONATE TODAY Share the goods! Monday, January 25th 2016 RELATED VERSES Romans 12:1-2 (NKJV) I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,...Be of Good Cheer
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, January 18th 2016 Share the goods! We can usually cope with something when we find out it’s normal. When a pregnant woman starts to have morning sickness or her feet start to swell she can initially become very upset, but when a doctor tells her that these experiences can be a normal part of pregnancy all of a sudden the woman’s perspective changes and she adapts. She’s still nauseated. Her ankles are still swollen, and she can’t fit comfortably into most of her clothes. She may still be feeling poorly physically, but she’s no longer worried because she understands what’s happening and that it’s all part of the process. If you go through life without understanding that there are some things that you have to go through so that you can deliver what God has impregnated in you, you can get distracted. John 16:33 NKJV says, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. How consistent is my explanatory style with what the Bible has to say? Click To Tweet Psalms 34:19 NKJV reminds us that, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” If you don’t live with the mindset that there are some things in life that you simply must push through, you’ll turn an experience into a crisis—when it’s really just a crossroad! We must continually ask ourselves, “ What’s my perspective on this situation, and what...Don’t Give Up
When pilots are taught to fly they undergo rigorous training in flight simulators and have to learn and memorize all manner of flight maneuvers.
Grocery List
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, November 16th 2015 Share the goods! When you go grocery shopping on an empty stomach and without a shopping list, almost everything looks especially attractive, and your shopping cart ends up filled with too many snacks and not enough nutrition. And when the cashier rings up your items and announces your total you’re in a state of shock! The worst part is that then you start to rationalize the amount of money you spent but still didn’t get the items you needed! The object of a grocery list is to purchase a nutritionally balanced diet for your family. Shopping without a list encourages the likelihood of purchasing the wrong food. Similarly if we don’t establish priorities in our lives and choose wisely, we’ll wind up making decisions without thinking–just because a particularly opportunity looks attractive. We’ll wind up piling things in to the baskets of our lives just like when we’re in a well-stocked grocery store and we shop without a list. The object of setting priorities is to allocate our time and money according to God’s desires. But too often we choose our priorities with the same lack of foresight as our trips to the grocery store, and the things that we give priority to are simply not what we need–or importantly, what God wants!! According to Webster’s, “a priority is something to which we give precedence by assigning a degree of urgency or importance to it.” If we don't establish priorities in our lives, we'll wind up making decisions without thinking. Click To Tweet Most men haven’t set or...Like a Space Shuttle
As it relates to the space shuttle, experts will tell you that maintaining proper orbit is a delicate affair. To maintain proper orbit, the onboard computers constantly make course and altitude corrections.
Off Course Sailing
Charting a course for your life without a plan and a personal mission statement is like sailing on the ocean without a compass.
Halfway House
One of the great mountains in the alps is very popular with climbers because it has a rest house halfway up. Still and yet, the trek up to this house is not for amateurs, it’s a long climb up to that point.
Til He Comes
There was much rejoicing, and when the news media asked the little girl how she’d floated for such a long time, she made the most riveting statement. She said, “I was just doing what my father told me until he came back.”
The Baby’s Coming
When a couple is getting ready to have a baby, they go through a season of preparation. They paint the baby’s room; they purchase baby furniture and baby clothes.
Not in The Shell
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, March 20th 2017 Share the goods! If you want a big tree, you don’t plant a big tree. No, you must plant a seed. This happens in the spring. When you look at the picture on the outside of the package, and you compare it to the contents, the two do not look the same. This is how nature works. You plant a seed, and then the plant comes up, but it does not look like the seed. When you have a bunch of seeds together, it could be apple, tomato, etc. If you place them together, you don’t know the difference until you plant them. But when they grow up they all look different. When you plant a seed and it dies, what really dies? The shell of the seed dies not the heart of the seed. Let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. Matthew 16:24 Click To Tweet Now, this is critical because the life does not come from the shell, it originates from the inside, but that life cannot come forth until the outside of it dies away. This is what dying to self is. Then something new comes. Think about it, in the fall you will have acorns all over the place, but the acorns are what cause oak trees to come forth. So the acorn’s shell dies and dissolves, and the inside of the acorn produces the tree. The trunk of the tree, the leaves, the tree itself, the acorns produced on the tree did not come from the shell rather...Finding Kitty
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, March 13th 2017 Share the goods! When you know what I know, no amount of investment is too much. A couple had a cat. The women loved the cat, but the husband hated it. One day, the wife went on vacation. She said, “Honey, take care of my cat!” Well, he did not like the cat when the wife was home, he certainly would not like the cat now that she was gone. So he took the cat, put the cat in a bag, tied the bag, and threw it into the sea. The wife came home and said, “Honey, where is the cat???” The husband told her that the cat was gone. They looked for weeks and weeks but found nothing. The woman was distraught. The husband said, “I love you so much, I know the cat is only worth $100, but I am going to place an ad in the newspaper for $5000 to anybody who finds the cat.” The wife responded, “Oh sweetheart, the fact that you would put up that much money for a cat because of your love for me is amazing.” So the man put the ad in the newspaper, and one of his friends came to him and said, “Bill you are going to place an ad in the paper and offer that much money just to find a cat???” The man responded, “When you know what I know, no amount of investment is too much.” When you're in the know, no amount of investment is too much. Click To Tweet MORE TOPICS addiction...The Tour Guide
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, March 6th 2017 Share the goods! When you go to a foreign country, it is great to have a map that shows you where to go. But you know what is even better than a map? A tour guide. The Holy Spirit wants to be your tour guide “showing” you where God wants you to go and how to give birth to the man or women He created you to be. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to constantly keep speaking to you about your future. The enemy’s agenda is to keep reminding you of painful memories from your past. When satan tries to bring up memories; remind him of his future and let him know that he is not going to like the temperature setting of the place he is destined to go. Isaiah 54:4: “Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed; neither be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame; for you will forget the shame of your youth, and will not remember the reproach of your widowhood anymore.” Notice how the scripture keeps addressing the issue of shame. This is because there is a tendency for the painful mistakes of the past to have shame associated with them. When satan tries to bring up memories; remind him of his future... Click To Tweet MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect restoration righteousness sex sin...Let Go and Fly
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, January 2nd 2017 Share the goods! There was a family of birds that was teaching their young to fly. The young swallows were perched on a dead branch over a lake. One of the adult swallows got alongside the chicks and started pushing them to the end of the branch. They pushed until finally one of the birds fell off. Somewhere between the branch and the water that was 4 feet below, the wings started to work, and the bird took off on its own. The second one did the same exact thing, but the third one was not to be bullied. As it started to fall off it grabbed the branch with its foot. But the parent was not sentimental; it peaked at the poor chick’s foot until it was more painful to fall than it was to hang on than deal with the insecurities of flying. The grip was released and the inexperienced wings started to pump. The mature swallow knew what the little chick did not and that is it would fly, and there was no danger in making it do what it was designed to do. Birds have feet, but flying is their characteristic action. What were you designed to do? Click To Tweet They are not fulfilled until they are flying, doing what they were born to do gracefully and with action. Here is a question: what were you designed to do? What are you trying to hang onto that is preventing you from living to your potential? Like the little swallow, what are you hanging...Don’t Limit Yourself
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, December 26th 2016 Share the goods! Ivy Grandstrom is a 77-year-old grandmother from Vancouver, British Columbia who recently signed up for the 10-kilometer run, 800-yard run, 1500 meter, and 500 meter run in the world veteran games that take place in Eugene, Oregon. Ivy’s real specialty is not in running, but in beating the odds. You see, she is not only 77 years old, but she is totally blind. She has run competitively for the last 14 years and although she started running in handicapped races, she has started running recently in sighted races and has also run in the USA and Canada Masters Meets. She runs with her longtime friend, Paul Hoeberigs, with a surgical cloth tied to their wrist. Paul runs alongside Ivy and guides her through the race. She has fallen down many times, but she never stays down for long and she has never started a race that she has not finished. Ivy is a 77-year-old blind runner. Usually, the only thing that stops us from accomplishing the things that we set out to do is our own limitations! Usually, the only thing that stops us from accomplishing the things that we set out to do is our own limitations. Click To Tweet MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect restoration righteousness sex sin success temptation trials women Help us continue helping others! DONATE TODAY Share the goods!...Pain that Fuel Your Dream
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, December 5th 2016 Share the goods! For many Christians, we want God’s training program to be a microwave, but more often than not it is a crockpot or slow cooker. Glen Cunningham was born on a farm in Kansas. He attended school in a rural community in the one-room school house so many of us have seen in our travels around the country. He and his brother were given an assignment to stoke and light the fire in the big pot belly furnace in the middle of the classroom. On one particular morning, they were a bit late arriving at the school house and in order to speed up the process they poured kerosene over the fuel supply before they lit it. Unbeknownst to them there were still some live coals from the previous day’s fire. When they poured the kerosene over the fuel supply there was an explosion and a great fire, which caused both of the young men to be seriously injured. As Glen Cunningham was running from the building he looked back and he saw his brother lying on the floor next to the furnace and he instinctively ran back to grab his brother from the fire. Tragically, a few days later his brother died from the burns and Glen Cunningham was burned so badly around his legs that the doctor said he would never walk again. With God, we can turn tragedies into victories. Click To Tweet Certainly no one ever dared to believe that he would run again and that he would run again to break...The Mannequin in the Window
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, June 20th 2016 Share the goods! God wants to dress you up and give you a new nature so you can attract people to Him and make Him look good! Your job is to make God look good! Why is a mannequin in a store window? To be an attraction; to make the store look great and enticing, and lure the customer into the store. The mannequin sets the tone of the store through the clothes that it wears so that people will come in and spend money in the store. Catch this, the clothes on the dummy did not come from the dummy, the clothes on the dummy came from the owner of the store, and the owner of the store put clothes on the dummy so that folks on the outside will be drawn into the store. Similarly, our job is to make God look good whether things are going well, or they’re not. God wants to dress us up so that we will attract people into the store called the kingdom of God!! Our job is to make God look good! Click To Tweet MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect restoration righteousness sex sin success temptation trials women Help us continue helping others! DONATE TODAY Share the goods! Monday, June 20th 2016 RELATED VERSES Romans 8:19 (NKJV) For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the...The Good Steward
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, June 13th 2016 Share the goods! The job of a steward is to protect and expand the resources of another. When you put your money in the bank you do it for two reasons, to protect it, and to grow, or expand it. It’s a lot harder for a thief to get to your money out of the bank than from under your pillow. And depositing our money in the bank means that if you leave it there it will gain interest and expand and after a certain amount of time you’ll have more money than you deposited. So to be a good steward over something you want to protect and expand. This is why in the Parable of the Talents the first two men immediately went out to start getting a return and endeavored to maximize God’s resources. But the third guy essentially did nothing; he buried his talent in the ground where the money couldn’t even gain interest. The job of a steward is to protect and expand the resources of another. Click To Tweet So in our everyday lives we must invest what God has given us and get interest on it. God wants more out of your life, just as a baby grows to become a full adult. When parents invest in the life of a child it’s because they want the child to become all he/she can be. The key to life is to give back to God everything He gave you, but He wants it back with interest. If He gives you groceries, God wants...The Teacher’s Mind
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, May 23rd 2016 Share the goods! Have you ever noticed that when a student is taking a test the teacher is not talking? You know why? Because, if the teacher has allowed the student to take the test, he believes the student has everything needed to pass the test. If you are taking the test and you aren’t hearing from God, it could mean that in His eyes, he has given you everything you need already to pass the test. God will not allow you to take the test unless he feels he has prepared you for it. Everything you need you have in Christ Jesus. Click To Tweet In the state of Florida the school systems are awarded money by something called FACT. FACT is where the teachers prepare the students all year long to take the exams. The school system is awarded money based on how the kids perform on the test. The teachers prepare the students all year long. Passing the exam is not an indication of the student, but an indicator of the teacher. If you are taking the test and God is not talking that means He knows that you are ready. The test is not about you, but it is about how well the teacher has prepared you. Everything you need you have in Christ Jesus. MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect restoration righteousness sex...Save Your Work
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, May 16th 2016 Share the goods! God is the great computer. When you get born again, He gives you a new life, sort of like a new word document, when we open a new file. You can then begin to write the new story of your life. Every now and then, the computer will prompt you with a question. “Do you want to save your work?” Your choices are Yes, No, or Cancel. In some cases, if you Cancel, it means give me a little more time. But at the end of every man’s life every file is closed. Every time you click “Close” you get asked the question, “Do you want to save your work?” Will you hear "Well done!" at the end of your life on earth? Click To Tweet The goal of every man is to spend his days opening files and working. So that when we come to the end of our lives, and we are asked, do you want to save your work, because we have used the time to glorify God, our answer can be YES!! Here is the question that every man has to ask himself, do you want to save your work? Are you living the kind of life that you would be proud to say, “Yes, I want to save my work for God to review!” MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect...Metabolize Your Life
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, May 2nd 2016 Share the goods! When we do not metabolize or process the events in our lives we prevent ourselves from being able to embrace the new that God has for us. We’re like a computer that has a very small hard drive, say 3GB, and every time we try to upload a new program to our computer it slows down. I once had a computer that took 15 minutes to “boot up.” I would turn on my computer in the morning and then I would take a shower or eat breakfast, or do a whole bunch of other things. I finally realized that my computer was slow because there was no room on my hard drive for anything new. Get ready for the new things God has for you! Click To Tweet In other words, I had to remove some old programs to make room for the new programs. This is how life is for many people. God has some new software that He wants to load onto the hard drive of our life. But because we haven’t metabolized, or processed previous experiences we are unable to embrace what God is trying to do. It could be said that some people spend their whole lives “booting up.” In other words, they never get to run the program of life that God has for them because they are always “booting up.” They never get to the application of the things that God has for them because of unresolved issues that keep them in perpetual “boot up” mode. The goal of...Seek Knock Find
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, April 4th 2016 Share the goods! Have you ever lost your car keys? After you look in three or four places, do you just say, “I guess those keys are lost forever?” No. You keep looking all over until you find them, and you will tear up the house because you need those car keys and cannot function without them. So you keep looking and wreck your house looking for the keys. Catch this!!! The more frustrated you get, the more you throw things around. When you are in hot pursuit of something you don’t take the time to put things back into order, you don’t stack your clothes or dishes neatly just then. You just go crazy until you find whatever it is you’re looking for. You seek until you find. Keep asking, seeking and knocking. Click To Tweet Did you ever forget your key, or lock yourself out of your house when you were a kid? You knew someone was home, but maybe they were asleep and couldn’t hear you. But you didn’t just stand there and wait patiently for someone to let you in. You didn’t just knock one time, you kept knocking, or yelling, “Anybody home?! I’m locked out!” or ringing the bell until you got in. You did everything you needed to do because you knew someone was inside. This is what the Bible means in Matthew 7:7 when it instructs you to keep asking, seeking and knocking: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be...Blast Off
Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, March 7th 2016 Share the goods! We have all watched a space shuttle lift off from planet earth and soar into outer space and into the heavens. What’s deep is that space shuttle sits on a launch pad and is ready to move into another realm, but it can’t go anywhere until the fire at its base has been ignited. There’s a countdown and when it hits zero the boosters are ignited and the shuttle takes off into space. A blazing fire takes it from the gravitational pull of the earth and delivers it to the glory of the heavens. Most Christians have been earthbound too long, and unable to get their missions off the ground. Click To Tweet But if there’s no fire; there’s no ignition, and no destiny. Most Christians have been earthbound too long, and unable to get their missions off the ground. In the meantime a countdown is in effect because we’re growing older day by day. But when we are set on fire by the Holy Spirit, when He ignites us on the inside, we will have blast off and we will soar! MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect restoration righteousness sex sin success temptation trials women Help us continue helping others! DONATE TODAY Share the goods! Monday, March 7th 2016 RELATED VERSES Luke 3:16 (NKJV) John answered, saying to all, “I indeed baptize you with...The Day After Tomorrow
There’s a movie called “The Day After Tomorrow” that deals with radical shifts in global warming. All of a sudden, the weather shifts, and there’s snow falling all over the world, and the United States is starting to freeze over.
Green Pastures
Psalm 23:1-3 NKJV reads: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the path of righteousness for His name’s sake.
Around the World
John Stephen Akhwari was a Tanzanian marathon runner in the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City. Like all of the other athletes, John trained rigorously and was looking forward to running appearing in the Olympic Games.