Composite Mates

Composite Mates

Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, August 8th 2016 Share the goods! It is very clear that when men engage in porn, they start to create a composite, physical Bambi. What does that mean? Simply put, every time that man views a beautiful or sexy image, that image is stored in his mind and then added to this composite Bambi. So she has the legs of Stella, the breasts of Sue, and the legs of Becky. This is so dangerous because the man is, in essence, asking his wife to compete with this composite woman. Obviously, his wife cannot keep up with this image! Be fair to your spouse! Click To Tweet On the flipside, what people do not discuss is that women can engage, I believe, in emotional porn! What does this mean? Simply put, you will have women who want their men to have the Scriptural knowledge of a pastor and the type of adoration their fathers used to give them. They want their husbands to have the communication skills of Larry King. The charm of Bill Clinton. The money of Bill Gates. What these women are doing is asking their husbands to compete emotionally with this composite, emotional Bambi! Clearly, that man cannot keep up with this man who lives in his woman’s dreams because this composite man always listens to her, has nothing but time, never has an opinion that challenges hers, and believes everything that she says is right! MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity...
Forming Pearls

Forming Pearls

Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, October 26th 2015 Share the goods! What are pearls? Pearls are formed from irritations inside a clam. A grain of sand lodges in the flesh of a clam and begins to form an irritation. The body of the clam begins to fight the sand by building up calcium. As it builds up calcium it starts to form a pearl. As we fight against the irritations in our lives we, too form pearls. The things that we’ve endured, the things that have hurt us cause us to build up a defense, just as the clam forms a pearl by fighting against the sand trapped in its flesh. The pearls in our lives are formed by the irritations in our lives. Pearls are beautiful. They are wonderful. They look good. But those pearls were built up by the pain in our life. Those pearls were built up by pressing on. Those pearls were created by enduring hardship like a good soldier. Don't throw your pearls before swine. Click To Tweet Your pearl will take a while to build up. You cannot build a pearl in just one minute. You cannot build a pearl in just a second. To build a pearl you may have to live with some pain for awhile; you may have to go through some irritation and suffering for awhile. But you have to find people who share a similar vision. You have to talk to people who have not given up on God. You have to talk to people who think God can do big and great things, and...
Indecent Proposal

Indecent Proposal

Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, June 6th 2016 Share the goods! The goal of the enemy is to always present you with an indecent proposal – particularly when you have a particular, or an intense need. He wants you to compromise who you are, or your birthright to fill what feels like an urgent need. In Genesis 25:29-34, Esau gave up his birthright to his brother Jacob to satisfy an intense hunger he was experiencing in a particular moment. The enemy always comes to take advantage of us in our weakest moments, so we have to learn how to delay gratification. In other words, we need to suffer in the short term, so that we can be blessed in the long term. It may appear that satan has some goodies, but they are not the will of God. Click To Tweet Here’s the question we all must ask ourselves: What are some of the things we may need to suffer in the short term so we can be blessed in the long term? Is it our finances? Save now, so we can be blessed later? Maybe it’s keeping ourselves sexually pure while we are so our minds can be clear in the long run. Why is this so important? Simple. The enemy will always come down your block on a hot summer day with ice cream truck of temptation! It may appear that satan has some goodies, but they are not the will of God. You remember what happened when you were little and you heard the ice cream truck coming down the block. You’d act...
Save Your Work

Save Your Work

Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, May 16th 2016 Share the goods! God is the great computer. When you get born again, He gives you a new life, sort of like a new word document, when we open a new file. You can then begin to write the new story of your life. Every now and then, the computer will prompt you with a question. “Do you want to save your work?” Your choices are Yes, No, or Cancel. In some cases, if you Cancel, it means give me a little more time. But at the end of every man’s life every file is closed. Every time you click “Close” you get asked the question, “Do you want to save your work?” Will you hear "Well done!" at the end of your life on earth? Click To Tweet The goal of every man is to spend his days opening files and working. So that when we come to the end of our lives, and we are asked, do you want to save your work, because we have used the time to glorify God, our answer can be YES!! Here is the question that every man has to ask himself, do you want to save your work? Are you living the kind of life that you would be proud to say, “Yes, I want to save my work for God to review!” MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges children communication convictions depression discernment emotions failure faith family fear finances forgiveness grace healing identity leadership love marriage men parenting personal development pornography priorities process purpose relationships respect...
Sweet Tooth

Sweet Tooth

Family Leadership Men Personal Development Relationships Women Monday, May 9th 2016 Share the goods! When you see a man with multiple homes, or multiple cars, or excesses in life, here is the question that we must ask: What is the result of men seeking to find purpose? In Ecclesiastes 2:22, Solomon arrives at this conclusion: “For what has man for all his labor, and for the striving of his heart with which he has toiled under the sun? for all his days are sorrowful, and his work burdensome; even in the night his heart takes no rest. This also is vanity.” We might say that Solomon took a box of chocolates and tasted them in pursuit of happiness. The irony is that no matter which piece of candy men pick, they end up with a sweet tooth. Change by revelation, not desperation! Click To Tweet This is why you see athletes who run through women, get in trouble with the law, have substance abuse issues open up to the things of God after they have spent their wheel. Sadly for many men, change occurs when they are old in life, and their strength is little, and when they are aged, and when they have blown their families, and they do not have much time left to enjoy life. The challenge for each man is to not get to the point where God has to allow futility to draw him. Men should make a volitional choice to pursue God and not let too much of life to pass before this revelation occurs. MORE TOPICS addiction authority biblical characters career challenges...