Jan 13, 2019 |
The salmon nearly leaped onto their hooks. This was a far cry from the previous day when it seemed like the anglers could not catch a thing. Disappointed but not discouraged, they climbed aboard their small seaplane and skimmed past the Alaskan mountain to a pristine, secluded bay where the fish were sure to bite.
Nov 26, 2017 |
Many folks love to fly, but they hate to fly in bad weather. If you fly often you know what I mean. When you fly in bad weather and you look out the window, it’s completely white outside. You can’t see the shapes of the clouds. You can’t see the blue sky
Nov 19, 2017 |
In recent years, especially in urban areas, we’ve seen lots of young people wearing baggy pants. What’s deep is that wearing pants in this style originated in prison. An inmate would wear his pants baggy and low, dropping off his waist to indicate to the other men that he was available for sex.