You Become What You Behold
There is a fascinating story in the Old Testament about the power of focus. What you focus on can affect and transform you…
There is a fascinating story in the Old Testament about the power of focus. What you focus on can affect and transform you…
There was a story of a little boy named Johnny who kept falling out of bed. Every time he would fall his mother would come in the room and scoop him off the floor and place him back in bed.
Vertigo is defined as a sensation of dizziness, with a feeling that you are being whirled about in your environment. The term “vertigo” is sometimes used when training people to fly, especially when they learn to fly using instruments without being able to see where they’re going.
Whose voice are you listening to? 1 Corinthians 14:10 KJV reads, “There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification.” There are many voices in the world, says the apostle Paul, but never have there been so many as are heard today.
When you first started using a computer you quickly learned a universal truth: if you enter wrong data, you’ll get wrong data. But if you enter correct data, you’ll get correct data. Computer pioneers called this, “GIGO” or “garbage in; garbage out.”
Have you ever opened your refrigerator and all of a sudden a foul odor comes out of the refrigerator? You spray some air freshener in the kitchen and that works for awhile, but sooner or later you have have to deal with the source of the smell.
We are like umpires at a baseball game in that we lo ve to call balls and strikes on somebody else. It is kind of like if you ask what time it is you will get a whole bunch of answers; some people set their watches ahead, some people set their watches behind.
There was a young boy who grew up on a farm and was waiting for the day that he could plow his first field. That great day came and his dad said, “I just have one piece of advice as you are plow across this huge field.